Statement before the                                Glenn A. Walsh

  Board of Directors,                                P.O. Box 1041

  Allegheny Regional                                Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15230-1041 U.S.A.

     Asset District:                   Telephone: 412-561-7876

  Children’s Museum             Electronic Mail: < >

 Seeks Tax Funds for             Internet Web Site: < >

Old Post Office Rehab                  2006 August 28


Good afternoon, I am Glenn A. Walsh of 633 Royce Avenue, Mount Lebanon, Project Director of Friends of the Zeiss.


For Fiscal Year 2007, the Children’s Museum wishes to repair and restore the roof of the historic Old Allegheny Post Office

building in an $89,278 project—half to be paid for by State taxpayers through a Keystone Grant and half to be paid for by

County taxpayers through a RAD grant.


When discussing the deteriorated condition of the Post Office roof in the grant application, the Children’s Museum noted that in

March of 2002 a roofing contractor “found that the roof had open seams and deteriorated flashing and recommended that the roof

be replaced…There is also physical evidence of plaster damage in the southeast & southwest corners of the high ceiling near the

Post Office building’s copper dome. Water is coming into the building because of the roof deficiencies. Patching and painting is

needed to restore the integrity of the building.”


Well, this clearly demonstrates the extremely misguided priorities of Children’s Museum management. In 2002, a contractor

recommended roof replacement, when the Children’s Museum was completing a $29 million capital campaign. Such a large

capital campaign could have easily been reprogrammed to include a $90,000 roof replacement project. Instead of using the

capital campaign money to restore the Post Office roof, it was used to gut Buhl Planetarium’s historic Planetarium Theater,

Observatory, and Lecture Hall, and remove an astronomical inscription from the Bible, from the east exterior wall of the

Planetarium building.


Now the Children’s Museum seeks taxpayers’ money to restore the Post Office roof—notice that their proposed project

does not include one dime of private funds! And, unlike the Buhl Planetarium building which is owned by the City, the

Post Office building is owned by the Children’s Museum. It is now clear that the Children’s Museum has no interest in

Pittsburgh history—they will only restore history if the taxpayers pay for it!


The Children’s Museum knew the Post Office roof was a priority and ignored it until the capital project funding was

depleted. Now they expect $90,000 of taxpayers’ money to fix the roof in their privately-owned building.


It is the position of Friends of the Zeiss that no public funds should be used for this roof replacement project, or for general

subsidy of the Children’s Museum, until the Children’s Museum presents a plan to truly restore important Pittsburgh history

with the return of the historic Buhl Planetarium artifacts, particularly the Zeiss II Planetarium Projector and 10-inch

Siderostat-type Refractor Telescope, to be used to teach Science to children visiting the Children’s Museum.


Thank you.

